Medical dermatology is alive and well here in Boynton Beach Florida.
The most common dermatological conditions that patients present with in our primary care office here at Healthcare Associates Of Palm Beach are: inflammatory (acne, rosacea), benign lesions, and malignant lesions. We are located in Boynton Beach and offer our services to new patient’s from Delray Beach , Lake Worth , ad surrounding areas as well.
Acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit. The pathobiology is an obstruction of the follicular orifice; an increase in sebum production; and overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes. There are three lesion types: comedones, papulopustules, nodules and cysts.
If (blackheads) are present, you must use a retinoid or a keratolytic agent, but choose one based on the patient’s dryness and tolerability of the medication. If the lesion is inflammatory, you must use an antibiotic or an antifungal and can add a retinoid later.
“If you have nodules, you need an oral antibiotic most likely.
As for the retinoids, adapalene is “less irritating”; tretinoin is “the workhorse”; and tazarotene can “take up tp 3 months to see an improvement .”
Tetracyclines should be used for moderate to severe acne and rosacea. The adverse effects are the potential for photoxicity and esophagitis.
“Its old name is acne rosacea, but it really probably shouldn’t be called acne rosacea because the pathobiology has nothing to do with the pathobiology of acne.Patients with rosacea have a peculiar vascular reactivity process. “They flush and blush easy.
When Healthcare Associates Of Palm Beach treat patients, we feel you must educate them on the critical need to sun protect as “all medications one may prescribe will not prevent progression of the disease.
We advise to avoid topical steroids as they vasoconstrict and will cause thinning. “Short-term of course. Long-term never,” . Healthcare Associates Of Palm Beach recommended topical or oral antibiotics and other options such as azelaic acid and sulfacetamide sodium-sulfur.
Patient education is crucial because “patients are going to think that you will cure their eczema like you cured their strep throat,”. Be empathetic because of the chronic nature of eczema. “What we have are tools for them to use. We do not have cures,”Healthcare Associates Of Palm Beach we want to make you feel comfortable and relaxed and know we are on your side and want to help you through these times of acne and other skin related issues.Our team of doctors are here at the office in Boynton Beach 5 days a week from 8-5 Monday – Thur and 8-4 on Firday’s.Once again we offer patient services to Delray Beach future patients and Lake Worth and Boynton Beach areas.